Calibre Project Managers


TUPAPA, Cook Islands

Cook Is Red Cross - New Headquarter

Danny Amanaki of CPM was the Team leader / Design Engineer and Chris Manu was the Project Manager for the New CIRC Headquarter funded by NZAid (now fully constructed and operational).

Danny was responsible for the coordination of a multidisciplinary team (Architects / Engineers / Geotech / QS) for the Master Planning, designs, and preparation of Tender Documentation for tendering.

Chris Manu was responsible to the client (Red-Cross), Government of the Cook Islands, and donor (NZAid) and local project engagement as coordinator and local counterpart dealing with all project approvals, communications, in country management relating to design, contract tendering, award and supervision. Chris also was the on the ground technical backup as environment engineer.

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Pukapuka, Cook Islands


Danny was the Team leader and Chris was the Project Manager for the Pukapuka Cyclone Centre funded by ADB. Danny was responsible for the coordination a of multidisciplinary professional team for the design documentation, procurement, and contract administration right up to the commissioning of a community and island disaster-relief management centre on the remote Pukapuka, in the northern part of the Cook Islands. Facility has a capacity of housing 600 people; project costs approx.~NZ$ 8.0Million.

Chris Manu was responsible to the client (Pukapuka Community) the Government of the Cook Islands, and donor (EU) for local project engagement as coordinator and local counterpart dealing with all project approvals, communications, in-country management relating to design, contract tendering, award and supervision. Chris also was the on the ground technical backup as environment engineer.



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